The two me’s…. (A day in the life #RA Blog Week)

I have a new 4 year old neighbor.  He is a doll.  The friendliest child I have ever met.  Today he told me that he saw me leaving for work (at 7:00 am) but he didn’t recognize me.  I was confused.  Couldn’t figure out what he was talking about.  He said, “I thought you were a girl I haven’t met yet.”  When I asked why he didn’t know me, he said because I was dressed up and my hair was different.  I work full-time as a speech-language pathologist and also see 1-2 clients after work every week.  It’s rewarding but exhausting work.  When I get home, the stylish clothes come off (especially the bra!), the jammies or comfy clothes go on, and the hair goes up.  I guess jammies and a ponytail by 4:30 pm isn’t quite working for me in my neighbor’s eyes!  lol

I put a lot of effort into getting ready for work.  My alarm goes off 45 minutes before I have to get out of bed (morning stiffness & pain prevents me from getting up easily).  I have two alarms that go off (multiple times) with the 2nd alarm being located across the room so I have to get out of bed.   I can no longer shower or wash my hair in the morning because all that physical activity wears me out too much.  I gave up trying to straighten my hair due hot flashes and sore wrists.  Thankfully, beach/wavy hair is in style.  My clothes are laid out and usually don’t have zippers or buttons to manage.  My clothing, shoes, and jewelry are all well planned and easy to manipulate.  My breakfast is eaten in my car because even with setting my alarm so early, it still takes me over an hour to get out of bed, and I run late.  RA has forced me to organize my mornings so I’m able to get to work.  But when the work day is over….my spoons are gone.  My desire to look put-together is done, too.  My 4 year-old buddy is going to have to get used to the baggy shirts and yoga pants.  I think he’ll be just fine living near the two me’s 🙂

I’m writing this week as part of RA Blog week.  I’m thrilled to be joining in with other amazing bloggers!  Check them out, too!

2 thoughts on “The two me’s…. (A day in the life #RA Blog Week)

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  1. I can totally relate to the “social facade” versus the “private facade” ; I haven't been back to work as a high school teacher since Feb; hence…my “teacher clothes” are safely hidden in my closet. Thanks for sharing!!


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