Not everything is for you…

The disability community is up in arms about statements made by a woman who is described as “American conservative author, talk show host, political commentator, and producer.” I will NOT be identifying this woman by name because it’s obvious she lives for these moments where she feels she is being unfairly vilified so she can gain views and comments on her social media. I will however, relay what she said on her podcast while referring to her as the ABLEIST.

The segment was focused on a Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS ad. In the ad, a woman wearing SKIMS underwear is sitting in a wheelchair. This podcast host was bothered when she came across this ad on her facebook feed. The ABLEIST says, “I really I don’t understand how far we’re going to take this inclusivity thing, I really don’t get it, and if I am wrong educate me,” “[A model in a wheelchair] seems ridiculous” and “Whose idea was this? Was it your idea? Okay, you’re fired”.

After her rant, she states if she is wrong with her views, “Educate me”. We all heard it.

The disability community did not disappoint.

Unfortunately, as I expected, the ableist mocked and disregarded the feedback she received in a follow up segment. Many people responded that “REPRESENTATION MATTERS” and provided examples on how the SKIMS ad helps them believe that they feel seen and accepted. The ableist then went on a rant about “clinically obese people” in ads because somehow adding “fat people” into the mix bolsters her point She then played back a previous interview in which she complains that ads don’t show the clothing and companies like Zara use gymnastic type poses that don’t show off the clothing. Again, she fell into the advertising trap. She is talking about Zara’s clothing…just like their ad wanted her to do. How many influencers imitated those poses for likes and views. Zara is laughing all the way to the bank with that ad campaign.

The ableist’s request to”Educate me” simply proved that she has no desire to learn something new or to take time to appreciate the perspective of those in the disability community. Her response made my skin crawl.

The ableist claims that representation doesn’t matter because no one’s self worth should revolve around others with similarities like race, gender, and apparently disability. Does she have a point? Yes. The ableist’s point is very valid. We shouldn’t need anyone to validate our self-worth. What we do need is for able-bodied people to stop staring at or treating those who have visible and invisible disabilities like we are lesser members of society. Having a model in an ad campaign may help to normalize what is often a stigmatizing issue for millions. One responder wrote that seeing the model in the wheelchair makes her realize that she, too could be a model. The ableist responded she didn’t” want to be run off the internet”and told her to go be a model, adding, “It’s not that serious.”

Then she she dropped the bomb that proved to me, she is all about sensationalism and views with the following statement.

“It is important for me to tell the world something, irrespective of whether or not you are black, disabled, or fat, whatever the issue is, I want you to know something. Everything is not for you.”– said the ableist who doesn’t practice what she preaches.

That is right entitled ableist! You hit the nail on the head. You saw an ad on facebook that you had every right to have an opinion about, but it wasn’t for you! Then you took your negative opinion about an ad that “wasn’t for you on a platform that has a wide and varied audience. You could have listened to your own advice and realized the ad was not for you…and you had every right to scroll on by…but you didn’t. You received negative feedback then you tried to change the narrative into tokenism and how you are a warrior against inclusivity and tokenism in advertising. In reality, you are just an ableist.

You chose to stir a pot, then belittled members of the disability community for their feelings on the topic. The most ironic aspect of this entire situation is that you neglected to mention that the SKIMS ad was in fact for accessible underwear. That is right. Accessible underwear that makes it easier for people with physical disabilities to dress themselves and/ be more comfortable. The bras and underwear are adaptive and provide added accessibility for dressing with front/side closures with discrete bonding for a smooth appearance. Would the ableist have preferred to have an abled-bodied person model that line? Would that have made her anti-inclusive heart happier?

I do not support those who threatened this ableist. That is never the right thing to do. She deserves to be safe even when her words are honestly hateful. I do however, respect the hell out of all the disability advocates who stepped up to try to educate an ableist. Representation isn’t about being narcissistic, as she implies, it’s about respect and acceptance in society. A narcissist is someone who feels they are always right and cares more about views and likes than kindness.

Does the ableist have a right to her opinion? Yes

Did I have the power to just scroll by her ugly statement? Yes. I did. I chose to not ignore it once I learned she was criticizing an ad featuring a woman in a wheelchair promoting an accessibility product. Ironically, while trying to find her statement on her podcast, I came across anti-Kardashian episodes. I have a feeling her aim was to belittle the Kardashians and she inadvertently belittled the disability community. She didn’t do her homework and she failed the test.

We have free speech and we also have to accept the consequences that our words attract.

On that note, check out SKIMS. At this time, I don’t need accessible underwear, but I may in the future. Glad to know there is something out there if I need it.

4 thoughts on “Not everything is for you…

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  1. I think she wanted to hop on the woke indignation train and missed the choo choo. What a total idiot. By the way, I have never seen a women in underwear I didn’t look at and usually like.


    1. Ironically, she replied to Christina Applegate and said, “Owens claimed that she didn’t know the “particular ad featured a specific technology designed for people with disabilities, which was an honest mistake,” adding, “What we thought it was at the time, was another nonsensical ‘representation matters’ DEI initiative which I strongly feel patronizes the people it purports to represent. (Example: clinically obese people modeling swimsuits). This wasn’t that, and we simply got it wrong.”


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